And say hello to a faster, more efficient way of managing your online operations.
Introducing the revolutionary worxatmet
Experience the power of an ultimate solution designed to provide you with a dynamic work environment that streamlines all your online services.
With this cutting-edge technology, you can effortlessly change business rules and issue multiple copies of your services, all with just a few simple settings!
But that's not all!
worxatmet offers the unique ability to manage multiple institutions at once, creating a unified platform that ensures confidentiality of data for each institution while still allowing for unified performance reports And with the flexibility to provide services through various platforms and technologies, managing your services has never been easier
worxatmet also features multiple account options and varying levels of power, allowing users to complete tasks assigned to them on the same platform. You can seamlessly integrate worxatmet into your existing systems, and with the option to link your account with your organization's internal accounts “MIcrosoft AD, Microsoft Exchange”
Perhaps one of the most impressive feature of worxatmet is its dynamic reporting system when users can modify output formats in Microsoft Word according to their work rules and individual institutional needs
And for a detailed audit and follow-up capabilities, you can easily track user movements within the system and access the data you need in real-time, identifying locations, and used devices
Here are some of key features of our workflow engine for electronic services
Our platform has two main interfaces, one for customers and other for employees. It features an elegant and user-friendly interface that supports both Arabic and English languages.
The system ensures high-level security by providing user-specific permissions granting access to certain screens based on the user's role and job requirements.
Additionally, our platform is flexible and can be easily integrated with other systems. Also, We offer phone and email verification for reliable user and customer registrations,
Lastly, our platform provides a deticated communication channel that connects customers and employees.
As an employer, you know that your employees manage a multitude of tasks on a daily basis, both big and small. However, without a proper system to prioritize and monitor productivity, it's easy for tasks to fall through the cracks. This is where our customizable employee dashboard comes in!
Unlike other platforms, we have taken the time to conduct extensive research and interviews to understand the needs of employees across different sectors. Our employee dashboard is organized by team, brigade, and influence, just like other custom dashboards.
But what sets us apart is that our dashboard is fully customizable to meet the unique needs of your employees!
“Empower your employees to work smarter, not harder! ”
Our dashboard is powered by algorithms and adaptive technology, which turn data points into actionable insights that can help enhance productivity and efficiency. By implementing our customizable employee dashboard,
Are you looking for a dynamic and efficient platform
that can be easily modified and developed to meet your changing needs!?
Look no further than our
With separate control panels for customers and employees, you can easily manage interactions and communications. You can create multiple departments and municipalities, which can be linked together and their communication data recorded, whether it is digital or not. The location of each department is displayed on a map, making it easy to navigate.
Our platform also allows for the complete management of services, with links to municipalities or departments. You can determine the types of customers, the fields and attachments that the customer will register, and the service steps that go through, starting with the customer and ending with the manager. Signatures, seals, QR codes, and the delivery of transactions are included in the process.
Ability to create sub-departments within government departments, municipalities, and centers for municipalities. Multiple job positions can be created for each department and municipality, and organized into work groups
With our platform, you can easily create all forms for government or municipal departments with customizable designs and formats. The forms can be easily modified and displayed as PDFs in different sizes.
that this service offers in order to provide
a better experience for customers
These include the ability to diversify the fields used in the service, such as numeric text fields, email fields, phone fields, multi-line fields, drop-down lists, AWF-pdf, word and Excel. The service also allows for the export of all reports to Excel. Additionally, employees can create and divide services into categories.
They can also create more than one version of a single service and publish it on the customers’ platform.
Complete management of users is available, with users divided into groups and powers for each user according to the group. More than one profile can be created for the user so that they can be added to more than one department or municipality if necessary. Users can also be linked to the organization or department's Active Directory.
Users can modify the search lists and save what has been done to facilitate searching the data, and can also view reports for all requests and services, with multiple search filters. Invoices can be generated and paid online, and can be linked with all collection systems.
Customer accounts can be managed and violations and suspensions resulting from transactions and requests can be tracked. Notifications can be sent via mail, SMS, or OTP, and the number of transactions can be reported to the employee. The service makes it easy to receive, deal with, and follow up on customer orders. It also provides a report for the types of devices used on the platform.
There is a distinctive control panel that changes depending on the nature of the job, such as "Municipal Director, Department Head, Customer Service, and Engineers," among others. The service also allows for the retrieval of a service more than once by employees to and from each other to amend requests. Engineering files and plans of all sizes and sizes can be provided, and an inspection request can be submitted with a specified date for inspection. The inspector’s arrival and completion of the inspection request can be tracked.
Users and work groups can be linked to the regions, and more than one model can be added for one service. Tasks for requests can also be distributed between users, starting from customer service, through engineers, department heads, and even the municipality director.
There is also vacation management and registration of vacations for the municipality or government departments.
Transform your customers' platforms with stunning photos and videos, and Empower your employees to make real-time modifications as needed
A special housing department section is also included, where users can add housing models and display their details, along with pictures for customers to view
The platform also includes a special section for news and events, a photo gallery, and electronic requests.
In addition, the platform allows users to record complaints and suggestions, and respond to them promptly.
Technical support management is also available to deal with customer issues, with the ability to take an automatic print screen of any errors that may arise.
Common questions can be added, changed, and displayed on the customer platform, and a fully printed and stamped electronic service certificate can be obtained with the support of a QR code.
Accessibility is also a key feature of the platform, with the ability to empower users by enlarging or reducing font size and offering a colour-blindness option.
Finally, a chatbot is available to facilitate communication between customers and employees.
Unlock a world of endless advantages and possibilities!
Discover the numerous benefits and incredible
opportunities that await you today.
CHOOSE worxatmet
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BIZ00238, Compass Building, Al Shohada Road,
Al Hamra Industrial Zone-FZ, RAK, UAE
010 27407000
+971 50 551 2336
Egypt Branch
Villa 134, Fifth Area, Fourth District,
Fifth Settlement, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
+971 50 596 1336